Citrus Chipotle Chicken

Solid marinades are perfect for weeknight meals. You put them together in the morning and let the day take the time to build the flavors in the meat! This marinade combines the deliciousness of fresh oranges and the spicy punch of chipotle peppers. Citrus Chipotle Chicken was a total win in my house! Parchment paperContinue reading “Citrus Chipotle Chicken”

Chipotle Beef Taco with Peach Salsa

Shredded beef tacos are different from Carne asada, which are also different from ground beef tacos. The slow cooking of the chuck roast with the quintessential Mexican spices of cumin, coriander, and Chipotle peppers is what makes this recipe for Chipotle Beef Tacos with Peach Salsa for that pop of freshness. You absolutely must zestContinue reading “Chipotle Beef Taco with Peach Salsa”

Easy Peach Salsa

Want to try something a little outside the box with your next Mexican meal? Check out this recipe for Easy Peach Salsa. The combination of the sweetness of the fresh peaches and the spicy punch of a fresh jalapeño is such a great addition to your tacos, nachos, burritos, and taco salads. I used aContinue reading “Easy Peach Salsa”

Balsamic Peach Dessert Pizza

As you have probably learned – I love to make anything from a pizza dough. I have a great pizza dough recipe (check it out below the main recipe) that I love to use as often as I can. So this super fun Balsamic Peach Dessert Pizza is just a twist on the standards. YesContinue reading “Balsamic Peach Dessert Pizza”

Easy Cranberry Relish

One thing that I have to have with a whole cooked turkey is my super simple and Easy Cranberry Relish. I have been making it for years and will continue to make it as long as I am cooking the big holiday meals for my family. The amazing flavor you get from adding this tangyContinue reading “Easy Cranberry Relish”

Simple Blueberry Syrup

Not everything I make is savory – I do like to make some sweet treats for my family on occasion. But it usually left to the kiddos to make the cakes and cookies and treats – as they all love to do that. But when you have an abundance of fresh picked blueberries, you wantContinue reading “Simple Blueberry Syrup”

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